2007 Reunion - Charleston, SC
Even though the turnout for the 2nd USS L. Y. Spear
(AS-36) Association Reunion was not as large as our 1st reunion, we had just as
much fun, if not more!! We enjoyed scheduled tours and also had the
opportunity to go off on our own. This year, photos from the reunion will
be organized by crewmember, so that everyone can get an all around picture of
what Charleston and a SPEAR reunion have to offer. Thanks to all of you
who have submitted photos!
SPEAR Crewmembers in attendance

Back row (l-r): T. Swierkowski, C. Russell,
R. Turner, W. Long, W. Goodman, C. Saville, B. Barnard, F. Pautienus
Middle row (l-r): H. King, A. Grafford, D. McKee, L.
Jessie, P. Kelso, J. Sparks, C. Toney
Front row (l-r): D. Reed, M. Lynch, R. Rountree, N.
Walsh, D. Manns, V. Burch, M.E. Nigh, W. Stokes, A. Bonifer
Not pictured: K. McCutcheon, J. Schairer